
102 N. 18th Street
Boise, ID (map)




Classes for all age groups. Our Sunday morning classes are an additional opportunity to dig into God’s Word and learn more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. 


Worship – The 11:00am service kicks off with exuberant praise music, led by our worship team. The songs we sing usually have a contemporary feel and are sometimes a bit loud, but always based on the Word of God and always uplifting.
The Word – Here at New Life Apostolic, we believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. And we truly believe that it holds the answers to all of life’s problems. That is why you will always hear sound doctrine and spirit-led preaching whenever you attend one of our services.



Bible Study – Our mid-week Bible study is a great time to explore the Scriptures together. The Word of God is presented in an easy-to-understand format that challenges and encourages questions for further discussion. This is a great benefit to the child of God who is hungry to understand God’s Word.



Life Groups – We invite you to join a Life Group for small group discussions in our homes. Come feel the warmth of friendship as we explore God’s Word and how it applies to our life.
Locations & Leaders:
Nampa – Brian & Myra Nunez
Meridian – Jimmy & Natalie Sanderson
Caldwell (Espanol) – Omar & Marisol Arredondo



Bible Discovery Class – Hang out with us in a casual environment as we explore God’s Word, why it’s still relevant, and how to apply it to our daily lives.